Wednesday, October 12

Boredom Buster for a One-Year-Old

I'm sitting here playing with my 15-month-old and decided I would share what we are doing because it something he loves! First let me say that this kid rarely to never hold still! He doesn't really sit and play with toys because he's so busy and has places to be! But this is the one thing that he will sit and do for 15 minutes at a time.  He finds it and brings it to me to open for him and then he'll just sit and entertain himself. I just got some of the lids that you put on mason jars and put Mickey Mouse stickers on them (mainly so I can hear Oliver try to 'quack' when he gets to the one with Donald's picture on it) and then he puts them one by one in an empty wipes container.

That's it folks! That's the game! I'm actually going to put pictures of my kids on some more lids because he thinks it's so fun to see pictures of them and say their names.  It blows my mind how much he loves it but kids this age love to put things in and out of containers. And I also love it because I get to see him make this face while he tries to 'pop' the lids!


  1. That is awesome! So simple, yet addictive to a 1 yr old. What fun!! He is such a cutie:)

  2. That is awesome! So simple, yet addictive to a 1 yr old. What fun!! He is such a cutie:)
